May 1991 B.A. Telecommunication, Johnson C. Smith University
August 2002 MLIS University of North Carolina at Greensboro
January 2004 Public Library Certification
August 2008 ACRL Harvard Leadership Institute Certificate
Director of Library Services, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC ∙ April 2008-
Acting Director of Library, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC ∙ October 2007-April 2008
Responsibilities: Plan, organize, and deliver library services to JCSU community. Supervise library staff and evaluate their performances. Administer all acquisitions within the library relative to the library budget. Develop and maintain reports in all areas of library programs and services. Administer grant funded projects of the library and ensure timely implementation of all projects within the guidelines and requirement of each grant. Actively seeks external funding opportunities by writing, submitting, and receiving grant proposals/funds. I also served as the co-director for “Information Literacy Leadership Institute,” November 2007 & February 2008 and director of the “Information Literacy Buddy Mentorship Program”, 2000-2010. Both programs were funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. 46 librarians were selected from 102 HBCUs to participate in the institute. Continuously serves as University Archivist.
Adjunct Professor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro ∙ August 2012-Present
Responsibilities: Instructor for “Introduction to Archives” LIS 688 course for Library Science Department.
Adjunct Professor, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC ∙ August 2007-2009
Responsibilities: Instructor for “Historical Archival (HIS 436)” three credit course for juniors and seniors in Department of Social Sciences. Managed the archives summer and spring internship program from 2008-2009. The Program involved assigning students who successfully completed the Historical Archival course to intern at local and national archives and museum.
Archival Services Librarian, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC ∙ 2002-October 2007
Responsibilities: Organized, built, and disseminated JCSU archival collections according to the Society of American Archivists standards. Implemented JCSU first digitization (archival) project on campus and linked website to JCSU library and State Library of North Carolina. Selected and evaluated all archival materials to be added to JCSU Library website. Provide archival services to JCSU community and external researchers. Wrote, received, and implemented grant funded programs/projects. I also served as one of the principal staff in organizing and relocating the library resources from the temporary facility to the new library in 1999.
Library Technician/Associate Archivist, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC ∙ 1999-2002
Responsibilities: Developed policies and guidelines for the management of the serial collection, networked with vendors in selection and claiming unfilled serial orders. Evaluated serial collection to meet curriculum and accreditation needs and processed requests for periodical bindery and microform ordering. In conjunction with the above activities, I successfully re-organized the Inez Moore Parker Archives from the ground up after fifteen years of dormancy.
Library Assistant II, Public Library of Charlotte Mecklenburg County ∙ 1995-1999
Responsibilities: Planned activities for children in conjunction with the Youth Services Department and the Children’s Manager. Determined patron informational needs in person and by telephone through effective use of reference techniques. Read children literature in different genre to recommend titles to patrons. Recorded and compiled statistics and aided in the selection and weeding of children literature. Prepared bulletin boards, displays and participated in system wide children events, such as, summer reading, Novello, storytelling festivals and special programs within the community. I also assisted at the circulation desk checking-in and out books.
Lead Sales Assistant, Knight Publishing Company/the Charlotte Observer ∙ 1992-1995
Responsibilities: Supervised sales assistant crew and controlled workflow. Visited advertising clients in the absentee of the Account Executive, quoted rates, picked-up ads and met layout deadlines. Prepared and composed marketing packages for Account Executives and resolved customer’s complaints.