Christopher R. Obie was raised on a farm in northern North Carolina where he developed an enduring love for the outdoors. Though formally trained as a Computer Scientist, Christopher has written several freelance articles for various causes.
His debut novel, "Dumisai And The Covenant Of The Ancestors", was the culmination of a desire to share spiritually relevant life-lessons with the need to provide entertaining, educational and culturally relevant stories to his four children. Christopher now lives in Orlando, Florida but can be followed on Twitter at @AncestralLight.
Guest on the following:
Afro-Man Kids Space Radio
HBCU kidz Black Parent Connect
Genesis Science Fiction Radio w/ William Hayashi
Harambee Radio – Men Think w/ Taki Raton.
Local Author’s Festival, 2011 – Orlando Public Library, Orlando, Florida.
Black Science Fiction Society (
Contact Information:
Ancestral Light Publishing
Tel: 407-797-8898
Fax: 407-384-1327
Facebook: ALP
Twitter: @AncestralLight
LinkedIn: Christopher Obie
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.