Keith Holmes, a native New Yorker writes non-fiction with emphasis on the accomplishments of people of color in the areas of innovation, science and technology. Born in Queens, New York, Holmes was always curious about science and technology.
Trained in Computer Programming and System Design, in mid 1980's, Holmes switched careers to Satellite Communication with an emphasis on Domestic and International telecommunication. In 1988, Holmes began researching information about Black inventors in the United States. He soon discovered that there were inventors of color outside the United States, to date from over seventy countries. In 2008, Holmes published his first book "Black Inventors, Crafting Over 200 Years of Success", it catapulted him to one of the leading researchers and writers about inventors of color. His paperback and eBook editions is available through Amazon, Baker & Taylor, Barnes and Noble, Gardners Books, Google Play, Kobo, Library Services Centre, United Nations Bookstores,Wheelers Wilstan Book Supply and other leading book stores and distributors. To date, Keith's publication is available in over 1,500 libraries, bookstores, museums, schools and universities in 30 countries.
For more about Holmes, visit, Linkedin: Keith C. Holmes or Twitter: Globalblkinvtr
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Workshop: E-Books
So look at your handout and make sure you pay very close attention to the information we are going to go over this afternoon. What is an e-book? It’s a digital book, e—edition; It’s a book link that is electronically transmitted, [including] digital format, images as well as text. How many of have used e-books or have read e-books? You notice that the images are a lot clearer and crisper. You can read an e-book anywhere. You can read it on the train, you can be at work, you can be in the bathroom. You can be up late at night and put on your device and you can sit there and read a book. Many of these devices now even have audio where if you do not feel like reading that book you can just hit play and the audio will play out for you. You also have audio books, so those are not to be forgotten either. This technology is not new. Let’s go to the second slide. Oh, that’s the first slide? No the next one after that.
Yes, this technology is not new. It has been around for about 40 years. But what made this market explode onto the scene was in the 1990’s when the access to the internet, the increased bandwidth allowed the ability to transfer files much easier and that’s when the explosion of the e-books took off. Let’s go to the next one. You can read e-books on a computer, electronic device, telephone, smart phone. Even in Africa, now what they are doing with some of the smart phones, [is that] people can download a book to their little small smart phone and read a book from that, which would make it much easier for them to get a hold of, then getting a paperback or hardback edition of the book. Let’s go to the next one.
In 2010, which is a pivotal date in terms of the shift from hard cover books to e-books, you can see that the sales of e-books outnumber the sales of hard copies. People are not buying hard covered books anymore because they are expensive. The paperback editions are less expensive and e-book editions are either half that price or less. And I am going to let you know right now that there are not enough black people, black authors writing books that are being converted into e-books and that’s a market the we really need to explore…for more information see the Conference Preceedings